
Is Losing a Pound A Day Healthy? Weight Loss Tips and Tricks

Is Losing a Pound A Day Healthy? Weight Loss Tips and Tricks

“Lose a pound a day” sounds pretty cool. Right? But here is the most important question you need to ask, is losing a pound a day healthy? Eating a proper diet is the best method to achieve your desired weight loss.

Weight loss doesn’t associate with starving yourself or skipping your meal, it means that you should take 3 full meals and 2 snacks per day to achieve your goal. Still losing weight is not a cup of tea.

Is Losing a Pound A Day Healthy? Weight Loss Tips and Tricks

According to Daniel Harris a nutritionist,” losing a pound a day is more focused on eating healthy food over fasting, and encourages to eat meals that include high fiber, controlled-proteins and low calories”.

Let’s discuss the weight loss tips and tricks to lose a pound a day and focus on is losing a pound a day is healthy.

Is It Healthy and Safe to Lose a Pound A Day?

It is safe to follow a diet that is healthy and helps in reducing weight quickly. According to Daniel Harris (Nutritionist), “When you are aiming for weight loss than losing a pound a day is not a sustainable method rather you should prefer choosing the general rule of losing a pound a week”.

He also suggests those who are planning to lose weight that must consult their doctors before embarking on the weight loss diet. And for healthy persons, he recommended following this extreme diet plan only once a year.

Pros Of Weight Loss Diet

  • Detoxes: A diet that includes low calories and high fiber will be of great help in expelling as many toxins from the body as possible.
  • Health benefits: A diet that helps in losing a pound a day nurtures good bacteria and relieves all food allergies in your body. When your body is constantly making new cells, it means that you are getting a healthier body.
  • Fresh Food: Weight loss encourages healthy eating like fresh food (fruits and vegetables) which means you are intaking more fiber which is great for you in losing a pound per day diet plan.
  • Portion control: The main reason behind getting so much weight is that we are not aware of portion sizes that we are eating. By reducing the amount of food, we can balance our weight and spend healthy lifestyle.

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Cons Of Weight Loss Diet

  • Side effects: When you are taking low calories food, it may lead to nausea, fatigue, and dizziness. (Daniel Harris). Another study shows that a diet with restricted calories may also affect leptin and ghrelin hormones, which adjust our appetite and hunger.
  • Not sustainable: Not suitable for the long term. This may lead to nutrient deficiency in a person.
  • Weight regains: Dramatic weight loss results are not for the long term as it is a short-term water loss that is not sustainable for permanent lifestyle changes.

Diet For Losing a Pound A Day

Diet For Losing a Pound A Day

The two-part healthy eating plan that helps in losing a pound a day is a great source of detoxing and fast weight loss. The diet is more focused on healthy food habits which is a mantra that means “Make a healthy body, by growing healthy cells”. You should feed your body food that is anti-aging like yogurt, grapefruit, etc.

Healthy food and a good diet can help you in achieving everything you want in your life, most probably the desired body. Healthy food and activities help in maintaining and improving your mental and physical health.

Is Losing a Pound-a-Day Diet Work?

Is Losing a Pound-a-Day Diet Work?

To reduce weight in days works when you control your diet, it means intaking low-calories and protein-controlled portions that help in burning your fats and dropping weight faster. This effective meal plan for losing a pound a day depends upon two steps:

  1. First week for detoxing.
  2. Second week for maintaining and balancing a healthy diet.

In the first week or first phase of this extreme diet, you must take high protein and high fiber diets. Our body required 45g of protein a day for the growth, maintenance, and repair of healthy cells. You can get proteins from food like chicken, red meat, turkey, eggs, etc. You must take this protein-enriched food twice a week if you are on a lose-a-pound-a-day diet.

Organic fruit juices are highly recommended for dieters who are on lose a pound-day diet plan. Juice of red grapes is a great recommendation as it is full of vitamins. Science also supports this view.

According to a study by Oregon State University, for overweight people drinking juices will help in burning their fats quickly and better. The secret behind this quick weight loss is the ellagic acid in the juices, which not only boosts the metabolism but also decrease the growth and development of new fat cells.

Lose a Pound a Day Plan: Foods To Eat

  • Vegetables (fresh)
  • Organic Chicken
  • Organic turkey
  • Lean red meat
  • Eggs
  • Soya milk
  • Yogurt
  • Cheese
  • Rice
  • Olive Oil or sunflower oil
  • Pasta
  • Fresh fruits (before 4 pm)
  • Nuts
  • Wholegrains
  • Fresh juices
  • Red grape juice
  • Coffee (1 cup)
  • Non-chlorinated water

Lose a Pound a Day Plan: Food To Avoid

  • White sugar
  • Flour
  • Biscuits
  • Cakes
  • Butter
  • Salad cream
  • Mayonnaise
  • Ketchup
  • Brown sauce
  • Tortillas
  • Crackers
  • Crisps
  • All sweets
  • Non-organic meat


Now that we have discussed in detail that losing a pound a day is not a long-term solution, we hope that all the above tricks and tips will help you in achieving the body you desire.

Just reducing the portion size of your regular meal and drinking a lot of water and fresh juices will increase your fiber intake which will help in reducing your weight. An extreme diet can lead your body toward nutrient deficiency, slower metabolism, and dehydration. Stay safe and healthy by clearly understanding the actual requirement of your body.

Follow us for more amazing tips and tricks about a healthy lifestyle.

Lara Beck

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